Mission Statement
Through our relationships with the children we aim to create a happy, caring, secure and welcoming environment within our school.
We aim to provide a curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, social, physical and mental development of each child with an awareness of citizenship in order to prepare them for the responsibilities and opportunities of life in a changing world.
We aim to encourage and develop in the children:
Alert and agile minds, a sense of curiosity and an enjoyment of learning
The confidence and ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves intelligently to tasks
Knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to their present and future lives and ability to cope with change
Qualities of creativity, sensitivity and imagination
An understanding, appreciation and care for their own physical well-being and that of others
We aim:
To meet the needs and interests of each individual child
To provide a wide range of quality curriculum experiences which are challenging and stimulating to satisfy the National Curriculum
To enable the identification and full realisation of each child’s talents and aptitudes
To promote the ability to live and work in co-operation with others, showing consideration and thoughtfulness. To equip each child with the skills needed to play a full part in school life and in society.
To enrich our curriculum through involving parents and the wider community in the life of our school
To extend the family of our school to include:
Local Churches, The P.T.F.A., Pre-School Children, Pyramid schools and other local organisations and industryTo promote a caring attitude to all in the community, especially with the elderly.
To promote awareness, understanding, tolerance and respect for the differences between individuals and between the cultures of Christianity and other religions.
To help the children acquire good manners, politeness and acceptable social behaviour and to apply these standards in all aspects of their lives.
To uphold moral values such as, truthfulness, forgiveness, keeping promises, respect for the rights and property of others and self- discipline.
To foster a joy and appreciation of the world in which we all live and encourage each child to develop and be able to express with confidence their inner most thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
To develop a partnership with parents through good communication and thus involve them in the education of their children.
We aim: