Year 5/6

Topic Web Summer (1).pdf

Y6 Summer Topic Web

Word Mat.pdf

Y6 Geography Vocabulary

Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Y6 Geography Knowledge Organiser

Human Life Cycles Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser

Contrasting Locations Topic Web Summer 2024.pdf

Y5 Summer Topic Web

Western USA Word Mat.pdf

Y5 Geography Vocabulary

Word Mat.pdf

Y5 History Vocabulary

Homework in Y5/6


Children should come to school wearing thier PE kit on the day that they have PE.

Both year 5 classes have PE on Wednesdays.

Both year 6 classes will have PE on Tuesdays.

Please see our uniform page for a description.

Useful Websites and Activities for SATs preparation

CGP books – 10 minute tests

Maths knowledge organiser in reading diary – learn all the facts – complete quiz

Corbett Maths Primary – videos and worksheets

Mathsbot – question generator

Read Theory – reading comprehension 

Education Quizzes – English and Maths

Spelling Frame – children have their own login. Practise all rules Year 3-6

Useful SATs video for parents

Information still relevant, despite the dates.

Y6 SATs Presentation for Parents .pdf

SATs 2024

Information for parents and carers

Year 5 Long Term Plan

Year 5 Long term Curriculum 2023_24.pdf

Year 6 Long Term Plan

Year 6 School Curriculum 2023_24.pdf

Useful websites


Your teachers can tell you where to start and which rule to be looking at if you are unsure.

Times Tables

Every child has their own login details to access TT Rockstars, please see your child's teacher if you cannot access this. 


Read theory is a great website to support the children's reading and comprehension skills. 

Recommended Reads

50 Recommended Books for Year 5 (Ages 9-10)

50 Recommended Books for Year 6 (Ages 10-11)

Maths and Writing Objectives

I am sharing 'Year 4 to year 5 maths.docx · version 1' with you

Maths Objectives
Year 4 to Year 5

I am sharing 'Year 5 to year 6 maths.docx · version 1' with you

Maths Objectives
Year 5 to Year 6

I am sharing 'Writing year 5-6 objectives.docx · version 1' with you

Writing Objectives
Year 5 to Year 6

I am sharing 'Writing year 4-5 objectives.docx · version 1' with you

Writing Objectives
Year 4 to Year 5

Meet The Team

Mrs Webb
Y6 teacher
(job share)

Upper KS2 manager

Acting deputy head

Mrs Stanyer
Year 6 teacher
(job share)

Mrs Evans
Y5/6 teaching assistant

Mrs Huddleston
Year 6 teacher

Mrs  Mainwaring
Y5/6 teaching assistant

Mr Heppell
Y5 teacher

Miss McNairn
Y5/6 teaching assistant

Mr Cronin
Y5 teacher

Mrs Wilkes
Y5/6 teaching assistant

Contact the Year 5/6 staff

If you have a non urgent query or message, please email Mrs Webb, Mr Heppell, Mr Cronin, Mrs Stanyer or Mrs Huddleston at;

For all other enquiries, including reporting absence, please call the main office on 01782 987130 or email