School day

School day timings

Nursery 9am – 3pm

Rec, Y1 & Y2 – Doors will open at 8.45am so that the register can be taken at 8.50am. The school day will finish at 3.20pm.

KS2 children (Y3-Y6) – Doors/gates will be open at 8.50am so that the register can be taken at 8.55am. The school day will finish at 3.25pm.

Y3 children will enter school via the door by Mrs Darlington’s classroom

Y4/5/6 children will enter school via the KS2 playground.


For their own safety and security children should not arrive on the premises before 8.50am, when the school takes responsibility for their supervision, unless attending Breakfast Club from 8.40am.

Children who are late for school (i.e. arriving after 9.00am must report to the School Office to have their late arrival recorded in the Late Register).

The school cannot accept any responsibility for children who are on the premises outside the times at which teachers are on duty unless they are involved in a supervised extra-curricular activity.

At the end of the school day Reception and KS1 children will be dismissed directly to an adult, in the event of parents not arriving on time, children will be taken to the school office, where office staff will contact parents.


Reception Classes – via the Reception classroom doors. Please wait outside the fenced area until


Miss Morgan Y1/2 – via external classroom door

Mrs Lockett Y1 – through the KS1 entrance at the top of the steps.

Mrs Burrows Y2 – via the white doors by the bike shed

Key Stage 2 entrance and exits - with photos