
We are delighted to announce, that in September 2023 we were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark! 

This was awarded to celebrate our commitment to excellence in science leadership, teaching and learning.

KODAK Digital Still Camera
SCIENCE WEEK-Newsletter-Spring 2024.pdf

Science  Co-ordinator Mrs Hubbard                                                          Link Governor – Mr W Webb

Vision and Principles Poster.pdf

Intent, Implement and Impact

Science at Ravensmead Primary School.pdf

Science Long Term Plan 

Science Long Term Overview 23_24 24_25.pdf

At Ravensmead the children are taught science at least once a week, over the year. Sometimes, due to the nature of the unit taught, teachers may decide to block some of the objectives over a day, but generally, the children have a dedicated weekly session., 

Each year we hold a science week in school, which coincides with the national science week across the country. This is an exciting time for the children and we invite specialists into school which gives science the ‘wow factor’. This is also used as an opportunity to show how working scientifically progresses throughout the school. 

We aim to take learning outside as much as we possibly can and the children are very fortunate to have the school garden, wildlife area and forest schools to study life processes firsthand. Science needs to be based on real-life and the children at Ravensmead learn about the importance of science in the world around us.

The children are taught the three fundamental disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.  Children need to frequently practice retrieving the knowledge that builds these concepts, or else they forget them, so flashbacks are used in every lesson to cover what the children learned previously. The prior knowledge of our children is revisited to ensure understanding and address any misconceptions from previous units taught.

At Ravensmead the children develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them. They are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and in the future.

Progression in Learning 

Ravensmead Progression of Science Learning.pdf

This is a whole school overview.  The accompanying document shows each year group along with activities and links teachers  use to teach each skill, knowledge or enquiry type. 

Science progression of disciplinary and substantive strands (1).pdf

Science Ambassadors

There is a Science Ambassador in each class from Year 3. These are a group of pupils chosen by their class to promote science throughout the school and take part in special events throughout the year.

Eco Group

The GREEN group is a group of children from Y1-Y6. The group of children are passionate about the world around them and want to make our school and local area more eco-friendly. 

Campaigns and events that the green group has previously run are:

If anybody wishes to help the green group in any way, please contact Mrs Hubbard

Useful Websites for parents: