
PE Co-ordinator – Mr Heppell

Link Governor – Mr P. Johnson

Early Years Foundation Stage

All areas of the curriculum are addressed through the seven Areas of Learning in the Foundation Stage. This is implemented by planning in a cross curricular approach, allowing children to either access them as a child initiated activity or an adult-led activity.

PE Curriculum

Our aim at Ravensmead is to provide all children with up to 2 hours of quality PE a week, including dance, outdoor games, swimming, gymnastics and multi skills. We have a cross curricular approach at Ravensmead, so that PE can be taught not as a stand alone lesson, but encompassing other areas of the curriculum, for example a dance lesson may include History and Geography through links to the year group’s topic.

Through physical education the children can experience the joy of physical exertion and the satisfaction of achievement while developing skills and positive attitudes that enhance self-esteem. Physical education provides opportunities to develop desirable personal and social attributes: the concept of fair play, the acceptance of success and failure, and the ability to co-operate in group situations. These opportunities contribute to the understanding and promotion of a healthy life-style. Physical education, as an integral part of the total curriculum, provides vital opportunities for the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the child.

Each year a School Games Day is planned for both KS1 and KS2 where the children compete in coloured teams. Children also take part in both intra school games and inter school games throughout the year. This allows the children to compete against other schools as well as competing against each other within year groups.

Extra Curricular Opportunities

Ravensmead aim to get more children involved in sporting activity, and we provide a wide array of after school sports clubs to help children to take their learning further.

Such clubs have included:

  • Football

  • Tag Rugby

  • Cross Country

  • Netball

  • Taekwondo

  • Cricket

  • Rounders

  • Multi Skills / Ball Skills

  • Table Tennis

  • Climbing

Sports Premium Report

Sports Premium Plan September 2021 -22 FINAL.pdf

Progression of skills

PE Progression of Skills 2021-22.pdf

EY&KS1 Long Term Plan

EYFS and KS1 Long Term Plan.pdf

KS2 Long Term Plan

KS2 Long Term Plan.pdf