Design & Technology
Early Years Foundation Stage
All areas of the curriculum are addressed through the seven Areas of Learning in the Foundation Stage. This is implemented by planning in a cross curricular approach, allowing children to either access them as a child initiated activity or an adult-led activity.
DT Curriculum
We have a cross curricular approach at Ravensmead, so that children receive a creative, holistic education. Pupil Voice encourages children to create and take control of their own learning. Children are given a topic and have the opportunity to ask questions that they would like answering or activities that they would like to do relating to the topic. Therefore we consider the pupils ideas and requests when planning a topic then link this to the skills we can practice, apply and improve in DT.
As DT co-ordinator, it is my job to look at the topics throughout the school from Y1-Y6 and devise a long term plan of objectives (taken from the new National Curriculum for DT 2014) and activities that relate to the topics for each year group, each term, to ensure coverage and development of skills, which all staff have agreed. I monitor the delivery of this subject and have a responsibility for the budget to ensure children have the resources necessary to carry out their creative projects.
We are excited to introduce more Food Technology to our long term plan which requires the children to develop their cooking skills and will link to our health education curriculum.