
P.S.H.E./R.S.E. Co-ordinator – Mrs Darlington

P.S.H.E. Link GovernorMrs J. Colclough

RSHE review support May 24 (1).pdf

Statutory guidance in P.S.H.E.

Parent session Ravensmead.mp4

Watch our Powerpoint presentation explaining statutory guidance in Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E.)


PSHE policy.pdf

Whole School Overview

Whole school overview PSHE.pdf

Guide for Parents

RSE Guide for parents.pdf

Letter to Parents

Parent letter PSHE.docx

Frequently Asked Questions

Relationships Education FAQs.pdf

Raising aspirations

Thank you to all the parents, family members that have already volunteered to come into school to speak to the children about their professions. The children have really been enjoying learning about the different roles. We have already had visits from a Film Maker, Train Driver, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist and a Olympic, Mountain bike stunt rider!

It is our intention to plan further visits in order to inspire our pupils to think of the opportunities open to them. We hope that these talks will help to inspire the children, and to believe that anything is possible.

We had a police officer come in and I want to be a police officer when I grow up. – Oscar, Reception

The Occupational Therapist was interesting, I hadn’t heard of that before. We learnt about the occuptional needs of people and how to help them. – Jack Y5

I enjoyed the role play with the Occupational Therapist, I pretended I could only use one arm. It was good listening all about how they help people. I would like to help people when I grow up too. – Emily Y5

PC Neeson: a police officer

PC Neeson has inspired me to become a policeman when I am older. I think it is amazing how he works with his dog Pablo. I couldn't believe it when Pablo sniffed out the hidden ball. - Stanley Y3

Danny Butler: a mountain bike stunt rider

Danny inspired me with his amazing stunt tricks. He told us to eat healthily, sleep well and that practise makes perfect. – Ben Y3

Danny inspired me to get off my devices and exercise more. – Ginny Y4

Danny made me realise I can be anything I want to be! – Gracies Y5


Mr Lane: a train driver

I really liked it when he talked about fast trains. I want to be a train driver when I grow up. – Fletcher Y3


John Williams: a film maker

The film maker made me want to make films when I grow up. – Amelia Y1

He inspired me to do what I enjoy and never give up. – Hugo Y6


Liz Parkes: our speech therapist

She inspired me because I know how it feels to stutter. I want to help people in need when I grow up. – Emily Y5