
Co-ordinator: Mrs Russell

Governor: Mrs A. Wilkes

French is the Modern Foreign Language that is taught here at Ravensmead Primary School. Although it is only statutory within Key Stage 2 for an additional language to be taught, children further down the school are exposed to French (not on a weekly timetabled basis) but at some time during the academic year.

The school follows a programme called ‘Rigolo’. This comes in two programmes: 1 and 2.

‘Rigolo 1’ is followed by children in Year 3 and 4 and ‘Rigolo 2’ is followed by children in Year 5 and 6.

The children are exposed to a variety of units within this resource; looking at simple things from: numbers, colours, greetings and school equipment to the culture at a French school; about town; items of clothing; the food and drink; on holiday; forms of transport and much more.

In addition to this 1 hour a week of French within Key Stage 2, within the school year a day is organised where the entire school look at some aspect of French life.

Children thoroughly enjoy discovering new facts about the French culture here at Ravensmead.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

MFL Intent, Implementation and Impact.pdf

Progression of skills

FOREIGN LANGUAGES progression of skills.pdf

French Long Term Plan

French long term plan.pdf