
Art Co-ordinatorMrs Huddleston

Link Governor – Mrs A. Wilkes


Art is not just a subject to learn, but an activity that you can practise with your hands, your eyes, your whole personality.” Quentin Blake, Children’s Laureate.

Early Years Foundation Stage

All areas of the curriculum are addressed through the seven Areas of Learning in the Foundation Stage. This is implemented by planning in a cross curricular approach, allowing children to either access them as a child initiated activity or an adult-led activity.


Art Curriculum

We have a cross curricular approach at Ravensmead, so that the Art Curriculum can be taught not as a stand-alone lesson, but encompassing other areas of the curriculum, for example Religious Education. Pupils are taught skills in the Art curriculum, using a wide variety of media and materials.

Pupil Voice forms part of the initial introduction to the topic allowing the children to share their thoughts on the topic, expressing aspects and skills they would like to learn. As part of the introduction to the topic, a WOW factor is used to encourage the children with their learning in the topic. This may be planned as a themed day, an educational visit or by having a visitor into school. The teaching and learning in this subject continues with first hand experiences being given to the child. A Finale is planned for the end of the topic which may include Art work the children have completed.

Each year an Arts week is planned, each class creates artwork which is then displayed in the school corridors. This highlights the talents, skills and experiences the children have had in this subject area alongside other curriculum areas within the cross curricular approach used.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Art Intent Implementation and Impact Statement.pdf

Our amazing art work from Art Week

Long Term Planning 2023- 2024.docx