Year 3/4

Stone Age topic web Autumn Y3 (1).pdf

Y3 Autumn 2024 Stone Age Topic

Greek topic 2024.docx.pdf

Y4 Autumn 2024 Topic

Look at what we will be learning in Year 4 this Autumn Term 



Children in Y3/4 work on a rotation of PE/swimming lessons. Parents will be informed about PE days at various points throughout the year.

Ravensmead Primary School equipment page for reading diaries (2).pdf

Year 3 Long Term Plan

Year 3 School Curriculum 2024_25.docx

Year 4 Long Term Plan

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2023_2024 interim.docx.pdf

Useful websites

Spelling Practice

Your teachers can tell you where to start and which rule to be looking at if you are unsure.

Times Tables

Every child has their own login details to access TT Rockstars, please see your child's teacher if you cannot access this. 

Meet the Team

Mrs Russell

Y4 Teacher

Lower Key Stage 2 Manager

Miss Morgan

Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Hubbard

Year 3 Teacher

Miss King

Y3 Teacher

Miss Neath

Year 3 Teaching Assistant

Miss Price

Year 3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Ferns

Year 3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Evans

Year 4 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jones

Year 4 Teaching Assistant

Miss Hobson

Year 4 Teaching Assistant

Miss Beresford

Year 4 Teaching Assistant

Contact the Year 3/4 staff

If you have a non urgent query or message, please email Mrs Russell, Miss Morgan, Mrs Hubbard or Miss King at:

For all other enquiries, including reporting absence, please call the main office on 01782 987130 or email