Rainbows Care Club

Our wrap around care club is available from 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Thursday and 7:00am to 5:30pm on Friday.


To register your child, please call 07535 172636 or email rainbows@ravensmead.staffs.sch.uk in the first instance before completing the enrolment form.

We do ask that you try your best to book in advance due to the growing numbers.



7am-9am £5.80 (includes breakfast) 

8am-9am £3.50 (includes breakfast) 


After school 

3pm-4pm £3.50 

3pm-5pm £6.95 (includes snack) 

3pm-6pm £9.25 (includes snack) 



Please note, we are unable to accept cash payments. We send an invoice out monthly which can be paid online, via bank transfer, childcare vouchers or child tax credits.

If you have a query regarding Rainbows Care Club, please contact 07535 172636 or email Rainbows@ravensmead.staffs.sch.uk