Some snapshots of our amazing children enjoying another day of their learning journey:
Our Early Years Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Meet the Team
Miss Bould
Early Years Manager
Forest School Lead
Reception Teacher
Nursery Teacher
Mrs Coates
Reception Teacher
Miss Nicklin
Reception Teacher
Mrs Rhodes
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs Johnson
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs Astbury
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Mrs Colclough
EYFS Governor
Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs Small
Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs Horne
Reception Teaching AssistantÂ
Mrs Wootton
Reception Teaching Assistant
Miss Beresford
Reception Teaching Assistant
Contact the EYFS staff
If you have a non urgent query for the Nursery staff please email Mrs Egerton-Brooks at; nursery@ravensmead.staffs.sch.uk
If you have a non urgent query or message please email Miss Bould, Mrs Coates or Miss Nicklin at; reception@ravensmead.staffs.sch.uk
For all other enquiries, including reporting absence, please call the main office on 01782 987130 or email contact@ravensmead.staffs.sch.uk.