'Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.' (KCSIE 2023)
At Ravensmead Primary School we believe that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognise that safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. We follow Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) procedures and acknowledge that the welfare of the child is paramount. We believe that every child matters and that everyone has the right to be heard.
All schools must have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). This is a member of the leadership team with appropriate authority, responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues, providing advice and support to other staff, liaising with the local authority, and working with other agencies.
Read our Safeguarding Policy
The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Ravensmead Primary School is Mrs M Goodall, Headteacher/Senco.
Designated Safeguarding Deputies are Mrs C Webb, Acting Deputy Headteacher and Miss K McNairn
The Governing Body Safeguarding Governor is Mr Laurence Gibson (Local Authority Governor)
Are you concerned about a child?
Safeguarding all children from harm is everyone’s business.
Most children enjoy generally safe and happy childhood experiences within their own family but unfortunately for some, this is not the case. During difficult family times everyone has a responsibility to protect children from future harm; good child care begins even before a child is born.
If you are concerned about a child in Staffordshire call:
Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support (SCAS) on 0300 111 8007
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
8.30am- 4.30pm Friday
EDS (out of hours) Tel No. 0345 604 2886
Or email:
Non-emergency – call Staffordshire Police on 101
You will speak to a senior social worker who will be able to listen to your concerns and take appropriate actions.
You can also speak to the qualified Safeguarding Officers allocated within your children’s school:
Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Goodall (Headteacher/Senco)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Webb (Acting Deputy Headteacher)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Miss McNairn
Children can contact Childline any time to get support themselves.
You can talk to them about anything.
No problem is too big or too small.
Call 0800 1111
or use their message boards to chat online.
When you call you’ll get through to a counsellor. They’re there to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about. Or you can have a 1-2-1 counsellor chat online.
Calls are free and they won’t show up on your phone bill. Even if you don’t have credit on your mobile phone, you can still call for free.
Staffordshire Childrens Advice and Support Service
Have you got a serious concern about the safety of a child or young person up to the age of 18?
Do you think a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed?
Are you worried that a child is living in circumstances where they are treated badly and not cared for properly?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions and you don’t believe that the child or young person is being supported by an allocated worker, please contact the First Response Service immediately.
Staffordshire Police have launched a project in partnership with local education authorities to safeguard and secure children who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Operation Encompass is a police and education partnership which ensures that a child’s school is informed, prior to the start of the next school day, that there has been an incident of domestic abuse to which the child or young person has been exposed.
Each school is informed of all domestic abuse incidents, not just those where an offence can be identified or those which are graded as high risk. The partnership recognises that all incidents of domestic abuse can be harmful to children and young people.
The information from the police is passed via telephone call to the school’s designated safeguarding lead or their deputy (known as a key adult). This ensures the information is passed to someone who has the relevant safeguarding training and who understands how to manage confidential information in line with other child protection information.
Ravensmead Primary School are proud to be part of Operation Encompass. We strive to implement early support for all children who are involved in domestic abuse incidents. Even hearing a domestic abuse incident can be highly traumatising for a child or young person.
For further information go to the Operation Encompass website
If you believe somebody you know is a victim or a perpetrator of domestic abuse, please phone the Children’s advice and Duty Service on 01782 235100.
If you hear or witness domestic abuse anywhere, please phone 999 to report.
CEOP is there to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They can help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to them if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and they will do everything they can to keep you safe.
If you are in immediate danger please call the police on 999 straight away. Please also tell an adult you trust who will be able to help you.
If you are a child, young person, parent/carer, adult or friend and are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online, report this to CEOP.
More information about CEOP can be found here:
A report can be made by following this link:
Keeping Children Safe online
For information about keeping your children safe online go to E-Safety where you will find links to useful websites, Our School Computing Rules and Parental control guides.
You can find out more about online safety on the NSPCC website too. Go to
Worried about
a Child?
a Child?
If you're worried about a child or young person, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline for support and advice for free -
call 0808 800 5000
or contact NSPCC online.
For tips and advice for parents go to go to