
Scroll down to view the latest stories and events happening at Ravensmead

Y6 Camp at Stanley Head  

It was a rainy week but we still had a great time. We slept in tents and had lots of amazing adventures. Canoeing, bouldering, hiking, blind fold trail, crate stacking, high ropes and archery. We had lots of fun and made memories that we'll always remember! Take a look at our Facebook page to see lots more photos.

Y6 Leavers' Assembly  

We gave our Y6 children a great send off with awards for sports, attainment, camp and many more. The children sang their leavers' song and enjoyed seeing photos of themselves when they were much younger in school. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

KS1 Most Improved Awards

During the Y6 Leavers Assembly, Mrs Burrow's was very proud to present two of our younger children with special awards. Congratulations to Jacob who won the Rotary Club Key Stage One Improvers Award and Lola for winning the Ravensmead Award for Excellent Achievements in Maths.

Team Point Reward 

The Yellow Team collected the most points this year and were rewarded with an ice-cream. 

Well done to everyone in the Yellow Team!

Y4 Make their own Pizzas 

Year 4 enjoyed their finale to their Roman topic, which was to make a pizza, including the dough.

Miss Morgan's Brilliant Writers 

Miss Morgan's class have been writing setting descriptions and wrote about Ravensmead Primary School, so that parents can find out whether they would like their child to come here.

These three descriptive pieces were selected by Mrs Goodall.

Clemence wrote;

Do you want to come to a new school? Come to Ravensmead Primary School. Ravensmead is a big school. The staff are friendly and teach fun lessons. There are two playgrounds. The classrooms are full of kind children. The children can have dinner with a pudding. Will you choose Ravensmead?

Oliver wrote;

Do you want to go to a good school? Come to Ravensmead Primary School. Ravensmead is a big school. The staff help all of the children at this school and teach fun lessons. There are two playgrounds. At dinner time, the children have good food. The children in this school are respectful. Will you choose this school?

Jacob wrote;

Do you want to go to a good school? Come to Ravensmead Primary School. Ravensmead is a big school. The staff are the best and they help any child. There are two playgrounds with fun equipment. You have trays which are plastic and the food is yummy. The classrooms are big and the children think it is the best school ever. Will you choose Ravensmead Primary School?

ChopChop tournament 

Year 6 took part in a ChopChop tournament against Alsager's Bank Primary School today. We are very proud of Heidi and Elwood. Elwood was the overall winner and Heidi was a runner up. 

ChopChop is a fun card game which tests your memory and strategy. Take a look at to find out more.

Showcasing musical talent

Mrs Gibson visits school once a week to teach children flute, clarinet and recorder. Today, some of her pupils performed in assembly - we were all very impressed. 

A treat for our gardening club

Members had lots of fun toasting marshmallows over an open fire. They tasted delicious! Thank you Miss Bould and Mrs Horne.

Y3 remind us to look after bees

As part of their geography work on the conservation of bees, our Y3 children have created posters to inform us of ways we can help to look after one of our most important insects!

Sports Day

We had fantastic weather for our annual Sports Day this year. EYFS and KS1 were participating in various races during the morning and the excitement continued thoughout the afternoon when KS2 took over the field. 

The children had a great time trying their best and cheering each other on. It was wonderful to see the support from many families who were able to come and share the day with us.

Y5 visit a Chocolate Factory

Year 5 visited Cadbury World to support their learning about the Mayans (and taste lots of chocolate).

Audley Theatre Summer Spectacular

Choir members from Y6 and Y4 sang beautifully at Audley Theatre Summer Spectacular. We were very proud!

Y4 Perform at Victoria Hall

Y4 have been enjoying their whole class music classes and this week they got to show off their recorder skills to parents and other schools at Victoria Hall in a  celebration concert. It was a wonderful experience for them. 

Ava and Charlotte were excited to see their parents at the concert hall. Charlotte enjoyed the singing and commented, ‘We had to watch the conductor, he was showing us the actions’. Ava said ‘It felt good to show off how good we were and because we were all playing together and it made us feel part of a big band.” 

Big Bang Fair

A group of Y6 children visited the Big Bang Fair at Birmingham NEC to take part in lots of STEM activities.

Fire Service visit KS1

Year 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from the local fire service. Red Watch came in to talk to the children about what they do and how we can stay safe in a fire, supporting their learning on the topic 'The Great Fire of London'.

Y1/2 Trip to Ford Green Hall

Bringing history to life, Samuel Pepys met our KS1 children for a tour of the historic house and talk about the Great Fire of London.

Newcastle in Bloom Competition 

Congratulations to Poppy, Lottie, Christal and Honey who met the Mayor at Keele University and were presented with certificates and an art shop voucher for their 'Highly Commended' artwork.  

What a night!

We would like to say a HUGE well done to all of the children who auditioned for the talent show. There has been lots of excitement around school.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our first ever 'Ravensmead's Got Talent' show. It was a fantastic evening with some very talented and brave performers. 

We are already looking forward to next year's show!

Congratulations to our winners;

1st - Lewis
2nd - Kylah
3rd - Daisie 

...and all the children who shared their hidden talents with us;

Elyse, Lottie, William, Elise, Leo, Ellie-May, Daisiie, Luis, Stanley, Boux, Henry, Harry, Lola, Rosie, Thea, Lexi, Elsie, Queenie, Heidi, Jessica and Esme.

We're on a roll! Super sporting achievements in cricket

The Year 5/6 boys' cricket team played really well at their tournament on Thursday 6th June and are through to the Newcastle-under-Lyme finals!

Update - They played really well and were district runners up. They were only 2 runs away from winning the last match and getting through to the county final. We're still really proud of their skills, sportsmanship and resilience. Well done boys!

The Year 4 cricket team are the Newcastle-under-Lyme champions and are now through to the county finals!

The year 5/6 girls’ cricket team are also through to the county finals! 

Being water wise

We would like to thank Lucy Farmer from Severn Trent Water, for our fantastic assembly about water. 

This links in really well with World Environment Day on Wednesday 5th June and the work we are doing in school about the importance of sustainability and pollution in our environment.  We had some wonderful helpers, with some interesting props!

Fun at the Farm

The Nursery children had a fantastic time at Lower Drayton Farm today! Even the rain didn’t stop them having lots of fun. 

We are so proud of how amazing the children were on their first school trip. Well done children!

Trip to London

Group two of our Year 6 children made some wonderful memories on their trip to London this week.

They stayed for two nights and in addition to sightseeing, they visited the Science Museum and the Houses of Parliament for a tour and workshop, which included a Q&A session with Aaron Bell.

Preparations for the Trooping of the Colour prevented them from entering Trafalgar Square but they peeked through the barriers and walked on to see the Mall and Buckingham Palace.

They shared lots of laughs riding on the underground and enjoyed a lovely meal together in Pizza Express. A walk along the Thames allowed them to see a fabulous view of Tower Bridge at dusk.

Crazy Hat Day

For their latest fundraiser, the School Council came up with a fun idea and decided to hold a 'Crazy Hat Day, inviting children to come to school wearing a hat of their choice for a dontion of 50p. The children (and parents) went to an incredible effort and there were some super creative hats on show - well done! 

Well done to our crazy winners chosen by our School Council executives.

Thank you you to all parents and carers for your generous donations. The money raised will go towards equipment and events within school.

Reading Cafe

We have been enjoying the Reception class reading cafes every Friday at 8.25am. They will continue for the Reception children and their parents during the summer term to help support their reading further and prepare them for Year 1.

Y3 Museum Visit

The children learnt lots about the Stone Age and had the chance to make a Stone Age pot. They also enjoyed exploring the rest of the museum. Well done to our fantastic children.

We'll miss you Mrs Weston

On Thursday 2nd May, we held a special assembly for Mrs Weston who has retired as our Deputy Headteacher. Staff shared memories, children presented her with their art work, we sang her a special song and gave her a present. 

We wish Mrs Weston a happy and healthy retirement.

Laches Wood Awards Assembly

Y4 enjoyed seeing some of the photos taken whilst they were away earlier this week and have been writing about and sharing their memories. During our awards assembly children were presented with certificates for Best Girls Dorm, Best Boys Dorm and Best Team and the individual awards below;

King of the Ravens - Eoin, Queen of the Ravens - Izzy, Robin Hood - Isaac & George T, Maid Marion - Dolly & Daisie B, Most Respectful Camper - Pip, Camper Most Ready - Joseph, Most Resilient Camper - Cora, Best Team Player - Luke & Elijah, Faced their Fears - Learna, Elsie (4K) & Casey -Mai, Happiest Camper - Eliza, Clumsiest camper - Lillie-Mae, Kindest Camper - Finley, Best Sleeper - Solomon & Millie H, Most Helpful - Frank, Campfire Performers - Pip, Jenson, Brooklyn, Bradley, Queenie, Leo and Harrison, Lost the most items - Arnie, Best leader - Millie P

Laches Wood Residential

Year 4 had a fantastic time during their three day residential at Laches Wood, making lots of wonderful memories with their friends.

The weather was perfect for the all the activities, which included, canoeing, blindfold trail, team building tasks, climbing, indoor caving, axe throwing and archery. 

We saw some fantastic teamwork and resilience from the children who challenged themselves and learnt how to work together effectively. They all enjoyed the campfire and made each other laugh with dance-offs, joke telling and a few songs.

School Council planting to raise awareness of PEEPS

The school council were sent some sunflower seeds from their chosen charity, PEEPS since April is the charity's awareness month. We are looking forward to watching them grow and to continue to raise awareness for this important charity and the fantastic work they do.

Please visit the website below if you want to know more.

Forest School Bug Hunt

The children at our Forest School club had a fabulous time tonight. They went on a bug hunt and found spiders, ants, beetles, worms and even a millipede! What great bug hunters you are.

Live concert

We've been treated to a live music concert and learned about lots of different instruments. Thank you to Entrust Music Service Staffordshire.

British Values

PC Green came in to talk to the children about British Values - Rule of Law.

Y6 Tea Dance

Year 6 travelled back in time to 1941 and enjoyed a WW2-style tea dance with their families. The cakes and scones were made and decorated by the children. Thanks to Mrs Huddleston for organising a wonderful afternoon.

Books & Biscuits

Thank you to all of the parents/grandparents who came to our books and biscuits events this week. The Y3/4 children and staff really enjoyed them and we had some lovely feedback from the sessions. 

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

World Book Day

The children had a great time celebrating World Book Day. They came to school dressed as their favourite book character and enjoyed trying to guess who everyone was. 

We shared stories with the children, held quizzes and talked about books. It was a fantastic day!

We also had a competition where children were asked to decorate a potato as a character from a book. We had lots of  fabulous entries. Well done to everyone who had a go. The winners were announced in our Celebration Assembly and each recieved a book token. Congratulations to Flo in Nursery, Nevaeh in Reception, Thea in Y1, Mylee in Y2, Jessica in Y3, Millie in Y4, Sophie in Y5 and Alana in Y6.

A delicious DT lesson

Y3 really enjoyed their evaluating sandwiches session, as part of our Design and Technology lessons. We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents that contributed towards the sandwiches it was a great help!

Science week

What a great week we have had at school for the British Science Week! We hope that your children have enjoyed their activities this week:

We started the week with an introductory science assembly, all of the classes have been delivering 'time themed' science lessons, then we had Fizz Pop Science in for an exciting show. During the week, the Science Ambassadors have been observing lessons throughout the school and feeding back their thoughts and the Y3 children have been upto Sir Thomas Boughey Academy for a brilliant science lesson.

Dogsmindsmatter- Canine behaviour and therapy

A fabulous final session today for the first cohort. It’s been an incredible six weeks and I have met and worked with some wonderful students and inspirational staff. Next week we start our second cohort and we cannot wait. Ravensmead Primary School is an amazing school, everyone is so passionate, caring, enthusiastic and friendly - Dogsmindsmatter.

Y3 visit Sir Thomas Boughey Academy

As a part of their science week activities Year 3 visited Sir Thomas Boughey Academy to take part in a lesson in their science department. Mr Warriner was amazed by their scientific knowledge and understanding and also commented on their fantastic behaviour whilst there. 

Nursery litter pick

As part of their topic ‘Our Wonderful World’ and science week, the Nursery children went on a litter pick on the school field. They have been learning how to look after our world. Well done children. You have collected a lot of litter!

Masked readers

What a great World Book Day we had in school. Thank you to parents for all your hard work with costumes - the children looked fantastic. We'll have photos ready to show you soon. 

In the meantime, just for fun, can you guess who these masked readers are?

Year 6 evacuated to Tatton Park's Farm

The sun was shining for Year 6 on their trip to Tatton Park's authentic, 40's working farm.

The trip formed part of their WW2 topic and the children had the opportunity to take part in different workshops throughout the day. 

Immersed into life as an evacuee, they helped the farmer to milk cows and clean tack, and learned about rationing, air raids and daily life in 1941.

Reception visit Blue Planet Aquarium

The children in Reception had an amazing day at Blue Planet Aquarium! We saw sharks, an octopus, stingrays, lots of amazing colourful fish, turtles and much more. Here are a few pictures of our fantastic day.

Young Voices

Our school choir had a fantastic experience joining together with lots of other school choirs to take part in the Young Voices concert at Manchester Arena. 

Young Voices are the largest school choir concerts in the world! 

Y3/4 Chester Zoo Trip

Y3/4 had a fantastic time exploring Chester zoo on Thursday 1st February. They had fun spotting the animals and learning about their natural habitats. Many children were talking about which animals they would like to have as pets! We will be doing some follow up work next week.

Dogs Minds Matter

On 25th January we had a visit from Dogs Minds Matter. Adam Dunn is a degree-level qualified dog behaviourist. He has spent the morning with some of our children, who were introduced to Dermot, Greta and Lottie. The children had such fun and are excited to continue their learning next week. Pictures are of Lottie and Greta. We're hoping to have Adam visit regularly to work with more children.

Y4 visit Audley Library

Y4 children had a lovely time choosing a book from the library. They came back to school and spent some time sharing their book with their friends.

Key Strings Concert

The children enjoyed a Key Strings concert today, learning about the families of the orchestra. We were a great audience, listening well and joining in!

The Wheels on the Bus...

For their Spring topic ‘Journeys’, the Nursery children who attend on a Tuesday had the opportunity to go on a short bus journey around our local area. They had the chance to sit in the drivers seat and can now pretend to drive the bus in their role play area. We would like to thank First Bus company for providing our children with this amazing experience.

Y3 Choose a Book from our Local Library 

Y3 really enjoyed their first trip to Audley library on Friday 19th January - even though it was a bit chilly! They loved choosing a new book and taking it back to school!

One of our pupils was that excited about his new library book he actually asked us if he could go and read it to the Reception children. He was fantastic at reading aloud and really entertained the children.

Let's Talk

On Thursday we had our 'Let's Talk' Parent Coffee morning in the hall. We were lucky to have a number of professionals attending this event including Action for Children, Home Start, School Nursing Service, Mental Health practitioners from Audley Medical Centre as well as out school ELSA team. Thank you to all the parents who attended, we hope you found this useful. We hope to schedule another one later in the academic year.

Open morning - Nursery...pdf

Nursery Open Event

We are excited to welcome families to an open event, that are interested in joining our Nursery in September 2024. 

For more information, please see the image shown or contact the school office on 01782 987130 for more detail.

Sporting Success! 

We are pleased to announce that Lottie (Y6) and Rosie (Y5) have been selected to play for Staffordshire County Girls Under 11, Cricket Team. 

They have been attending a training program every Sunday for the last six weeks. The coaches were really impressed with their skills and performance during these trials. 

The girls will now complete longer training sessions each week to prepare them for their first cricket match. We look forward to hearing how they progress and we’re sure they’ll be sharing further achievements very soon. 

KS2 Christmas Production 

The actors were superb and the singing was incredible!

Christmas Tree Festival 

Mrs Huddleston and Year 6 have decorated a tree for the festival at St. James Church. It looks lovely, well done everyone.

Computer Programming 

Bradley in Y4, has shown a keen interest in coding and has been developing his skills using Scratch, a free programming language. He has created various animations and was thrilled when he worked out how to make a playable game. He has coded it all by himself and has shown super resilience, teaching himself with an analytical approach. 

Bradley is now experimenting with a micro:bit, which is a tiny, pocket-sized computer designed for children to learn about the ways that software and hardware work together. Following instructions, he turned the micro:bit into a pedometer. Well done Bradley, we look forward to seeing what you create next.

Y5/6 workshops 

Year 5/6 had a great day with Loudmouth Theatre Company learning about healthy relationships.

Y4 visit City Central Mosque 

The Year 4 children visited City Central Mosque to learn more about Islam as part of their RE curriculum. The children had an amazing time and the Iman was extremely impressed with their knowledge, questioning and behaviour.

Introducing our chosen charity 

Liz from this years chosen charity PEEPS came in to deliver a fantastic assembly last week. She told us lots about the charity and the work they do for children and their families. She has given us the job of naming the aware bear which we are really excited about! Thank you Liz. 

Peeps is dedicated to supporting those affected by H.I.E. (Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy). For more information, go to

Year 6 Step Back in Time 

Year 6 had a fabulous day at Blists Hill Victorian Town experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of Victorian life.

Egyptian Day in Y3  

Our Y3 classes had a fantastic Ancient Egyptian day. They walked like Egyptians around the school showing off their fabulous costumes, made a King Tutankhamen death mask and made thier own amulets.

Audley Remembers Together  

Senior members of the school council represented Ravensmead at the remembrance service in Audley on Sunday 12th November.

Lego Room  

Y6 had an amazing experience during their visits to the Lego Room at Newcastle-under-Lyme college. They enjoyed using their creative thinking and practical problem solving skills whilst building, coding and programming lego robots.

Raising Aspirations  

We were so lucky to have PC Neeson visit KS2 on Wednesday. He brought his dog Pablo in to teach us how dogs are used in the police force. Our children said it was the best assembly ever and so many of them have been inspired to become a police officer. 

London Trip   

by Lottie

I really loved going to London, there were so many sites to see. There were lots of pretty lights and lots of very fascinating statues. 

I specifically liked looking at the fancy decor on the walls and ceiling inside the different places that we visited, especially the Natural History Museum and the Houses of Parliament. We also stopped outside of Buckingham Palace. So cool! In the Houses of Parliament we learnt about the two sides: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. After that we had a debate about banning homework! 

The next day at the  Natural History Museum we saw lots of fossils of animals that were extinct long ago! We also saw dinosaurs (not real of course) they were just replicas. One of the only ways that we could travel to some of these places was my tube and I went surfing! (Not literally I went in between two carriages and it wobbled.) 

None of this could happen without the teachers so THANK YOU!

Weekly achievements

Take a look at our Weekly Achievements page to find out who won an award in our Celebration Assembly on Friday.